Architectural Control Overview
The following information is designed to provide the LLBC membership with an overview of the goals of the LLBC Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and its functions. We plan to publish future articles that provide additional details regarding current LLBC Policies and compliance.
The Loch Lomond Beach Club is a non-profit organization and a managed housing development.
The development and management guidelines for the LLBC are set forth by the LLBC Covenants and Restrictions (C&Rs) and the LLBC Policies.
Individuals purchasing property within the LLBC are members of the LLBC and required to comply with the LLBC C&Rs and its Policies. This obligation is part of your property deed and runs with the land.
The Architectural Control Committee responsibility is to ensure that all LLBC properties are kept in a desirable, uniform, are suitable in architectural design and used in a manner consistent with the LLBC C&Rs and Policies. The covenants and restrictions are designed to maintain the integrity of the Development with the goal of enhancing the investment all members have made in their property. Management of the LLBC in this manner is the primary reason the LLBC was formed.
The ACC does not make LLBC Policy. The ACC may make Policy recommendations. The responsibility for developing and/or changing LLBC Policies rests with the LLBC Board of Directors.
From a practical standpoint the LLBC Policies that guide the ACC are Policy 6 (as it pertains to undeveloped lots), Policy 17, and Policy 25. It is the ACC responsibility to insure LLBC members follow and comply with the guidelines outlined in these Policies.
The current ACC structure is as follows:
ACC Chairs & Board members – 2
ACC Committee members – 4
ACC Sub Committee members – 2
ACC Chairs – provide overall guidance to committee, report activity to the Board & LLBC Membership, selecting ACC Committee members, ensure ACC committee members understand the applicable LLBC Policies, applicable County zoning regulations and building code requirements, determine whether a member violation has occurred, oversee the violation notice and resolution process. Coordinate with Township and County representatives as needed to ensure member compliance with zoning and building code requirements. (ACC guidelines). Assist and educate LLBC members with questions related to ACC guidelines.
ACC Committee members - assist in the inspection of LLBC properties to ensure compliance with LLBC Polices, zoning and building code requirements. Any potential violations are reported to ACC Chairs. Assist ACC Chair to validate potential reported violations. ACC Committee members assist ACC Chairs in answering questions that may arise from LLBC members regarding ACC guidelines.
ACC Sub-Committee members – provide administrative support, tracking of LLBC permits issued and assist in answering questions from LLBC members regarding ACC guidelines.
Property inspections will be done by two ACC committee members. To the extent possible inspections will be done from the roadway. ACC committee members will report potential violations to ACC Chair.
ACC Chair, with the assistance of another ACC committee member, will investigate further to determine if a violation exists. If a violation is confirmed, ACC Chair will send written notification to the property owner outlining what is necessary to comply. A violation follow-up process has been established to ensure compliance.
The basis for property inspections is contained in the LLBC C&Rs. It reads as follows:
“Authorized representatives of the Club are hereby authorized to inspect any or all of said property at reasonable times for the purpose of aiding in the enforcement of these covenants and restriction. Any inspection requiring entry into a structure shall be only during daylight hours and upon 24 hours notice to the owner or occupant thereof.”
Currently the ACC is conducting inspections during weekdays in an effort to not disturb LLBC members and their families on weekends. To date, the ACC has not made a request to inspect the inside of any member’s structure.
Questions related to this information or other general ACC questions can be directed to